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Our Story

At Happy Pup Dog Treats, we are more than just a brand; we are a story born from a deep love for our furry friends and a commitment to their well-being. Our journey starts with two passionate dog lovers, Chase and Pam, who are the heart and soul behind our brand.


Pam's Love for Ellie and Pursuit of Healthy Treats


Pam's story begins in Massachusetts, where she spent her formative years and later attended Merrimack College. However, her journey took a significant turn when she moved to the sunny state of Florida. Within her first two months in the Sunshine State, Pam welcomed Ellie, a beautiful Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, into her life. Fast forward four years, and Ellie remains her beloved and loyal companion.


However, like many dog owners, Pam faced the challenge of Ellie's sensitive stomach. Finding the right treats and food for her furry friend was a constant concern. Ellie's stomach issues prompted Pam to embark on a quest for the perfect dog treat that would be gentle on Ellie's tummy.


Chase's Loyalty to Maverick and the Search for Solutions


Chase's story, on the other hand, began in North Carolina, where he grew up. His journey led him to Florida to attend Lynn University, where he also brought an essential part of his life—Maverick, a steadfast German Shepherd. Maverick has been Chase's loyal and constant companion for 2 years now.


Yet, like Ellie, Maverick also faced stomach troubles, and the duo realized the importance of finding treats and food that were not only delicious but also easy on Maverick's digestive system.


A Delicious Solution: Homemade Dog Treats


With their dogs' well-being at the forefront of their minds, Pam and Chase embarked on a culinary adventure right in their home kitchen. They started making homemade dog treats from scratch, experimenting with various recipes, and ensuring that each ingredient was not only delicious but also gentle on sensitive stomachs.


Their efforts didn't go unnoticed. Both Ellie and Maverick fell head over paws in love with the homemade treats. Pam and Chase saw their dogs' improved health and happiness, and this became a labor of love for them.


Happy Pup Dog Treats: A Dream Realized


As their homemade treats became a staple in their fur babies' diets, Pam and Chase realized that they were onto something special. They believed that the love, care, and attention they put into crafting these treats should be shared with the world.


And so, Happy Pup Dog Treats was born. It's a brand built on a foundation of love, care, and a deep understanding of what dogs need. Our mission is simple: to spread our love for dogs and the goodness of homemade, healthy treats to dog lovers worldwide.


At Happy Pup Dog Treats, we believe that your pups deserve the very best. Our treats are a testament to our commitment to providing delicious, nutritious, and tummy-friendly snacks for your beloved companions. With every bite, you're not just giving your pup a tasty treat; you're sharing the love and care that Pam and Chase have put into crafting each and every treat.


Welcome to our Happy Pup Dog Treats family. We're here to ensure that your fur babies are not just happy but also healthy, one treat at a time.

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